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Deco Tower (McGraw Hill Building)

Built 1931

Project  Architect:  Cosmo Veneziale Associates

The McGraw Hill Building at 330 West 42nd Street is a building 33 stories and 485 feet (148 m) high, located in the Hell’s Kitchen section of Manhattan, New York City. It was completed in 1931 and designed by Raymond Hood. The exterior walls of the building are panels of blue-green terra-cotta ceramic tiles, alternating with green-metal-framed windows, with a strongly horizontal orientation. The building was the only one in the city displayed in the influential International Style exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in 1932, and as such, it has also been cited as a landmark of Art Deco design.


The project consists of cleaning the entire façade with detergent cleaner and low pressure water blast, the restoration of all deteriorated terra cotta including patching, reglazing and replacement. New terra cotta was supplied by Boston Valley Terra Cotta. All steel elements of the building were first stripped of multiple coats of paint. Bent metal components were then inspected and deteriorated metal cut out and new metal replica pieces welded in place. All façade metal was then recoated with Tnemec  Endura-shield system.


“It is a pleasure working with Seaboard and their crew on the restoration of this iconic building. The pride and resulting quality of the work they have done exceeded my expectations.” Daniel Schwartz, Property Manager, ASI Management 

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